Grandpa's Advice
Grandpa's Advice is Adie Grey's follow-up to her well-received debut, Brand New Old Time Music and continues her exploration of folk, country, blues and bluegrass styles. With contributions by famed Cajun accordion player, Jo-El Sonnier, guitarist Albert Lee and John Hartford on the banjo, you know it's an acoustic music lover's dream.
Most of the thirteen songs Grey wrote with her musical collaborator, guitarist and hubby, Dave MacKenzie. Wit and wisdom flow throughout the bulk of this album like milk and honey. On the title track we're cautioned of the hazards of highway travel and the fact that every one else on the road is "half-asleep or stoned". "Far Away Beyond These Mountains" sounds like it could've taken from the Carter Family songbook. "Now That He's Not In Love" features David Schnaufer on the dulcimer. With it's surprising chord progressions and haunting melody, it's a wonderful departure form the more traditional musical settings on the album. Kudos to songwriters MacKenzie and J. Berrafato.
Adie Grey combines wit, wisdom, and wonder without ever stooping to clichés or mawkishness. Grandpa's Advice could serve as a text book to a lot of country wannabes.